Abstract: This article explores different ways to express price in English. It is pided into four sections, each discussing a specific aspect of this topic. Firstly, we will examine the use of numbers and figures to express price. Secondly, we will explore the use of currency symbols and abbreviations. Thirdly, we will discuss common phrases and expressions used for asking and stating prices. Finally, we will conclude by summarizing the main points covered in the article.


When it comes to expressing price in English, numbers and figures play a crucial role. Prices can be stated in both written and spoken forms, and it is important to be familiar with the different ways they can be presented.

In written form, prices are usually preceded by the currency symbol and followed by a decimal point and two digits to represent the cents. For instance, $5.99 represents five dollars and ninety-nine cents. When stating prices aloud, it is common to use the word "dollars" or the currency name before the number. For example, "five dollars and ninety-nine cents" or "five ninety-nine."


It's also worth noting that commas are often used to separate thousands and millions when expressing large sums of money. For instance, $10,000 represents ten thousand dollars, and $1,000,000 represents one million dollars.

Currency symbols and abbreviations are commonly used to represent different types of money in English. Being familiar with these symbols and abbreviations is essential for both reading and writing about prices.

Some of the most frequently used currency symbols include the dollar sign ($), pound sign (£), euro symbol (), yen sign (¥), and the rupee symbol (?). These symbols are usually placed before the number to indicate the currency being used. For example, $10 represents ten dollars, £20 represents twenty pounds, and 5 represents five euros.


In addition to currency symbols, there are also abbreviations that represent specific currencies. For instance, USD represents the United States dollar, GBP represents the British pound, EUR represents the euro, JPY represents the Japanese yen, and INR represents the Indian rupee.

Asking and stating prices in English involves using various phrases and expressions. These are commonly used in different contexts, such as shopping, negotiations, or simply inquiring about the cost of something.

When asking about the price of a product, one can use phrases like "How much does this cost?" or "What is the price?" It is also common to inquire about discounts by asking, "Is there a discount available?" or "Can I get a better price?"

On the other hand, when stating prices, phrases like "It's $10" or "The price is $10" are commonly used. Additionally, expressions like "It's on sale for $10" or "We have a special offer of $10" can be employed when presenting discounted prices or promotions.

Expressing price in English requires knowledge of numbers, figures, currency symbols, abbreviations, and common phrases. By understanding how to use these elements effectively, one can confidently ask and state prices in various situations. Remember to use the correct symbols and abbreviations based on the currency being represented, and practice using appropriate phrases to ensure clear and effective communication regarding prices.


In conclusion, this article has covered the use of numbers and figures, currency symbols and abbreviations, as well as common phrases and expressions for expressing price in English. By mastering these aspects, inpiduals can navigate pricing discussions with ease, contributing to effective communication in both personal and professional settings.

